I'd like to make this post short and sweet as this is a fishing blog. So I am back from spending my first days ever at a Montana elk camp. My dad did a wonderful job scouting and setting up a great place for us to retreat to after each full day of hard work looking for big game.
I spent four days in the Patosi Canyon in the Tobacco Root Mountains. We worked very hard, some days walking more than ten miles in pursuit of the herd. On the last day I wanted to focus on getting a mule deer so I didn't come back to civilization empty handed. Long story short I shot my five point muley within the last hour of my visit at elk camp. The experience was incredible because not only was it the first deer I've ever taken, but also the amount of work I put into getting him.

I did bring my four weight fly rod. Okuma 8'6 rod with an Okuma S/4 reel. I caught trout for dinner one night and we enjoyed them after very hard days in tough country. The fishing was wonderful for such a small creek. Patosi creek was the source, you can google it on google earth. I believe this creek is overlooked and under-fished. I was surprised of the size of the rainbows I was pulling out. The morning I went to catch dinner was very cold, probably 26-30 degrees. We were the only ones in the canyon at the time. Like I've mentioned so many times, the solitude of having a body of water to yourself is priceless, and I was catching trout! Big trout! These fish were surprisingly 13-14 inches long. They made for a wonderful, moral boosting, dinner that night!

So all in all it was a great hunting trip. My friend shot a black bear and I got my mule deer. We were in the presence of several moose and many other types of wildlife. We saw no elk but elk arent easy to hunt!
I am back to MontanaTroutFishing and will provide my service for all of those who wish to seek it. I am however still grouse hunting so If anybody has any questions or would like to share stories or see pictures please, email me at norbaracer13@hotmail.com
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