Welcome to Montana Trout Fishing!

Bringing you up-to-date information for fishing around Bozeman Montana. Feel free to Email me anytime at Norbaracer13@gmail.com!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Elk Season, Will Return : ?

                      Hey viewers It's elk season here in Montana. The opening weekend is the 26th and 27th. I have been distracted from fishing and fly tying the last week because I have been TOTALLY STOKED about the hunting season making way. Prepping and being mentally distracted along with the hunt itself is going to put me off of this site for at least a week. I tend to pursue elk throughout the whole season so I apologize if I am not back on in a month.
                     If you don't hunt but are still going to fish all winter long I will try to provide condition reports from local fly stores. If you're a beginner, I'd like to say keep at it! I hope my page has helped every novice that views my site. Good luck and may your fly line always have a tug!

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